reading 05

 This weeks reading tasks was to identify themes within our chosen topic and in the articles I found. I had some trouble opening up the original articles i found so i went off and found some more topics to write about until i figured out that situation. I found two articles that talk about gender identity and diversity in video games:

The Role of the Avatar in Gaming for Trans and Gender Diverse Young People and Trans Game Studies

I scanned over the first article looking for themes and they were already somewhat separated into different themes and so i marked them and what i deemed the most important sentences that can be further expanded and talked about when i start doing that. Here is a screenshot of what was marked:

The 5 themes I identified were:

1. Customization

2. Avatar Gender Identity

3. Avatar use and function

4. Exclusion

5. Lack of connection

6. Representation in recent years (Bonus)

The 6th theme can be the fifth because you can combine exclusion and lack of connection into one but they also have very separate points to make. It can be decided further along the way and how much there is to each theme. I also vaguely remember the first first topics having similar themes.




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