First Playable (Sort of)

 The prototype is more or less going good. I managed to get it started and some factors in it however it still needs to have a npc you can talk to. This project post and the unity blog fit together as I'm making the prototype as part of the unity tutorial and the project. I hope that makes sense.

So far, things are working out nicely, besides the fact i accidentally looked at a tutorial on YouTube from 6 years ago which made sense as to why my box wouldn't move the first time. Trying to understand all the settings and meanings behind half the buttons and options you see on the right side of unity is truly a challenge and i know it probably doesn't mean much to us and how basic we are learning but its a hassle. Nothing has been difficult YET, I'm sure ill come across something soon.

Last week I set some goals really spaced out between each other, only to realize that I managed to set two weeks worth of goals in the space on one lab. So I definitely am ahead of my goals but i should also revisit them at some point when I get them finished because I'd say I'll have a week or two extra to make improvements on it. My box can move and jump, Success. The only thing that stands out is how my player will have the animation walk and that is probably not going to be something important but I know it will bug me for a while. I only mention this because the YouTube tutorial I followed made his player like actually walk animated.

*keep forgetting to get screenshots of my unity because i always do unity in lab and blog posts at home(or work mostly).


  1. What’s up dude. Happy to hear you are making progress with your game. Will the NPC do anything in the game like run or attack? I can relate to not putting in screenshots. Honestly with me I’m just nervous about people seeing my mediocre prototype. I’ll probably have to start looking at tutorials on YouTube too. Unity is painful at times. Irene left a cheat sheet on teams so maybe that could help you out with your project. Hang in there, I know it’s going to be alright and best of luck with the rest of your game. I know you’ll do great this semester.

  2. HI Jackson, it is great to hear that you haven't ran into any major issue YET because it will be good when everything in your game works like you want it to. I also didn't know how to figure out how to move around the unity hub but after doing the tutorials for a few weeks I'm managing fine now. From what I know I believe we did a tutorial in the first few weeks where the farmers had a walking animation if this is any use to you. Is there going to be any enemies in the game or how will the difficulty for the player scale when playing. Looking forward to the playable game.


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