Feedback Strategies
This article talks about ones mindset towards their own abilities. Growth mindset is a learning process and in the long term works better than having a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset doesn't allow you to grow into your abilities and expand them further whereas acknowledging that hard work, struggles and opportunities will be valuable and pay off. When students get feedback, the reality is a teacher can either be constructive about it or not. Teachers help students grow and this is important in youth years because it can really determine what kind of student you can be. Some of my teachers from secondary school were really good about how they gave feedback. My english teacher was REALLY passionate about grammar and using fancy words and such, like it was helpful and she did expand our answers for exam preparation but i didn't not enjoy it. There was a reason i did ordinary level but it definitely didn't seem it sometimes. The qualitys for feedback should be as follows: Be specific, Focus on what you are doing, focus on the process, make it transfer and take yourself out of the feedback. I didn't know about this until now and the article was right, taking yourself out of the feedback is hard. Because afterall you are the one creating something and the feedback can sometimes feel as though its you whose not good enough, not "my idea just needs improvement and its not based on me".
What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow
This article talked about how to help young kids develop into their potential skills and strengths. It says to avoid generic praise like "Good job" and use something like "good job for sharing your ice cream with your friend". I can't like, i enjoy praise when its a subject im interested in and/or can do well in. This is one of the reasons I learnt to enjoy web development
(i'm at work but will finish this as soon as i can but i did start it before the end of today, i just wont be able to finish it until after midnight)
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