Unity Tutorial 03
In the first lesson, I got to code the player to move and stay within bounds so it couldn't move forever. It is trapped within a 10 bound box. The prefabs was the only thing that didn't work for a short while but eventually continuing on with the steps, it fixed itself and appeared in the player components in unity. I was able to code the sandwich and animals to move, but because the keep on moving forever I had to make them disappear or "destroy" them when they left the grass. I managed to make the player throw the sandwiches by pressing the space bar. When doing the last lesson, the prefabs was giving me more trouble again. My animals also did not want to spawn when I pressed 'S' like I had coded. I stared at it and the tutorial, trying to find the problem and just like last time, it got solved when I started doing the other steps. Unity struggles. I managed to make it that it worked and the animals spawned at random at different locations. One of the new things I learnt about the camera was that there are different view versions.
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