Time Strategies
Having a good concept of your life and schedule, whether it is just college or for most, college and work, you have to find time to fit in homework/lab/tasks assignment and then for personal time. It can be hard to manage especially if you've never had good skills towards this. I surely don't. I manage time on motivation and deadlines. If I'm already working on something and I'm enjoying what I'm doing, ill continue to work on it - either completely more work or making my current work better if there isn't anything else for the week due. Even though it mentioned to not let Moodle due dates determine when I do the work, if I don't know when the work is due, I will likely not complete it if I'm not interested in the subject. That's a thing in life - if you don't enjoy it, you're hardly continue do it out of your own free will. However if something isn't due for a month or so, getting a head start in the beginning makes things easier towards the end, even if in the middle you end up doing nothing. Having a basic structure in place is better than having nothing to start with and feeling unmotivated to even try.
To manage your time, It can be a good idea to invest in a calendar so you have a physical copy of when due dates are rather than having to constantly login to moodle. Even to have reminders set on your phone because most of us spend a good time on them and it catches our attention when we get a notification.
Realistic study plans: This was one of the articles i've read. Although this course isn't "Study" much, it is hands on and practical. The idea is great, just change it to suit what you are doing. Knowing your time and having an idea of when you are free from any responsibilities, you still want to have free time to yourself and not entirely dedicate it to study alone. Looking at what is due and how much time you think it will need, that will be a guiding step to planning a schedule. After breaking it down, do a little each day until it becomes one, or do a major chunk one day and then the remaining pieces another. Always check your work and that you have done everything for that day. If you end up missing a day of work, make sure to catch up the next.
4 Q's to help overcome procrastination: As a master procrastinator, I never start or i start and then finish it on the last day. These questions are good, whether or not they are helpful is yet to be put into practice. The first thing it suggests is really just getting started. By opening the sites and apps you need for that assignment, it's going to push you to actually start since you went through all the effort to find out what you need to start. Then having a set of priorities. Like if an assignment is due on that day, that will be one of your main focuses rather than an assignment due in 2 weeks. Knowing what's due and doing those guarantee's you having done work and passing the class. SO killing two birds with one stone. Remembering that if you don't start and finish all your work, not only do you get left behind and catching up can become impossible. But it can also affect your mental health. Being stressed out that you haven't gotten work done, it can put you in a spot of constant worry and anxiety which can lead to continuing to avoid work just to avoid feeling negatively.
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