Game Elements

 The reading talked about critical analysis when it comes to games. I've already known what this was based on the fact that a lot of creative art gets critical analysis and as someone who reads movie reviews, it makes sense on how it is evaluated. You look at all the formal elements and you judge them on how they interact by themselves vs how they interact with other elements in the game. It has to make sense as to why they are interacting. The players have challenges and we need to know why and how they will end up surpassing them. There as to be a core part of the game that will continue as you move on/level up and that is more important that the fun part. It can be both and it should be but there is always going to be one main goal for the player.

One of the additional readings was about formal abstract design tools. Whereas creating and playing the game is straight forward, the designing aspect of it is not. You have to through a lot of ideas and processes that will be eliminated until you finally find something that could work. It's not just about whether a game is fun or not, it has to make sense as to why it was made.You have to test it out and ask what can go wrong during the process. Like Cyberpunk 77.It was so hyped but because the developers rushed it, it didn't hold such high promised expectations. Also how is the blog that old? I knew the internet existed by I did not expect a blog to be that old. Ever.



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