Unity Tutorial 05
I didn’t get a chance to do the unity tutorial over reading week as I don’t have it on my laptop but I watched it and did it in class the following week. That tutorial follows into this one and this week I learned how to make the background repeat perfectly as the player “runs” and then make it stop when the player hits an obstacle. I did struggle to make unity work because my player decided he wanted to be a spaceman rather than a jumping man. It got fixed somehow (I’m still not sure how) but I’m just glad it did. When the player hits an obstacle, the obstacle stops spawning with the background and its technically game over. The coding aspect of it to me is more exciting than the actual game although im not sure that makes sense since im coding the game and it doesn’t always work (Not the fault of the code but unity just doesn’t want to make it go). The repeat background is also a friendly reminder of web development. It’s odd that both web dev and unity need coding but I enjoy web dev more. Probably because I know how to break it and fix it but unity throws a tantrum of deciding not to work even though everything is exactly as in the tutorial. Game coding requires a different kind of patience that I don’t have.
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